5 Things to Do Instead of Having a Standing Work Desk

improve metabolism level

There were articles around the internet a few years ago claiming if someone would spend time standing up instead of sitting down at their work, they would improve their health and will also lose weight. But as years passed by we have never heard of anything saying that someone’s health was improved by working at a standing workstation. According to a study conducted back in 2016 reveals that standing up would burn 2 or 3 more calories per 15 minute than sitting which isn’t enough and also another small study reveals that standing up for a longer period of time could increase discomfort in your entire body.

It doesn’t mean that standing desks are not good at all. If you feel the strain on your back while sitting for a longer period of time a standing desk could be a healthy consideration. But a standing desk is not going to improve your work performance or decrease anxiety levels. If you actually want to improve your health than there are 5 other ways which you could easily do and that won’t cost you a fortune.

1) Treadmill

Sitting at one place for a long period of time could strain your back and neck and it’s being referred to as damaging as smoking. Also, it would increase the chances of having a shorter life because this could lead you to have diseases like obesity diabetes but stand up instead wouldn’t do much good a smarter solution would be walking around.

If you are a freelancer who works from home or has a small office, having a portable treadmill would be a perfect solution for you. It can be operated in a small space without any electrical input. It could be folded in a small package and can be easily moved from one place to another. Walking in breaks could help your body improve metabolism levels that could affect your health positively.

2) Fitness Tracker

Working in a crowded place could make it harder to have a treadmill around but having a fitness band on your hand that could tell how many steps did you take or if it’s too long since you have been sitting at one place could be a healthy alternative. This fitness tracker can create a complete chart and could tell exactly how much you have to move in order to see results.

There are many amazing products out there my personal favorite are the ones by polar they are really nice with outstanding quality. Find one with a great tracking program and that won’t be heavy on your pocket.

3) Desk Dumbbells or Exercise Bands

Strength and weight training both could help with stronger metabolism and improved brain functionally. With desk fumbles, this could be done easily on your desk while taking a small break while working. Exercise bands could do the same as strength training would be a perfect way to improve your strength. Both of these things can easily be stored at a very small space without anyone noticing.

4) Posture

This is one of the most important things while sitting as having a wrong one could lead to many health issues. In order to have a perfect posture, you can use a digital posture coach which is a small device that could help you have the right posture while sitting so it won’t strain your back or neck. Sitting down for many hours in long run could lead to many health issues.

5) Stay Hydrated

Keeping a water bottle with you always is the best way to manage your energy levels as thirst could affect them negatively. If you have a bottle just in front of you then taking a sip every often won’t hurt. In hot water putting some cubes into it before leaving would let you have chilled water for a good amount of time. There are much affordable water flask available online and in the store that would keep the water warm and cold throughout the day. Keeping yourself hydrated can help with energy levels as well as having a glowing skin.

Another bonus tip would be getting rid of the blue light that is emitting from your screens this could be done using a blue light blocking glasses but you can do that without buying anything there is an app called f.lux. You can find it on most of the platforms this would help you manage your blue light the way it would be easier on your eyes. On your iPhone you can find this feature under night shift this would do the same and will get rid of blue light. Making these small changes could bring a great overall result to your health.

Categorized as Health

By Rachel

I have been into fitness for more than a decade. I have started from light weight lifting and then I have started yoga and Pilates. As time passed by I have realized that I could help other people to have a healthy lifestyle so I have become a fitness trainer and a nutritionist. I have started this blog to share my experience in order to create a happy and healthy world.

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